The Pandemic has certainly accelerated the relationship between technology and education. Learning institutions have had to pivot swiftly with little notice or preparation to ensure that our children still have access to quality education from home. It has seen a huge spike in parental anxiety surrounding screen time and online safety which in turn starts to create a culture of vilifying technology as the root of everything that is wrong with the world. Don’t get me wrong online safety is an important issue and one I educate schools, parents, and children in on a daily basis. BUT instilling the importance of online safety isn’t anti-technology – quite the opposite. Journalist and parenting author Liat Hughes Joshi presents a fresh perspective in her article Changing the way we talk to children about technology ¹ where she invites parents to change their mindset and encourage the use of technology in both the school and home environments.
Do you remember the overhead projector on a trolley and the squeaking sound of the whiteboard marker across the transparency film? It was the old school Interactive Whiteboard of the current generations of school children. Now they have not just a classroom interactive whiteboard but also their own iPad or laptop bringing new meaning to collaborative learning. Another fantastic article by Natalia De la Peña Frade, New technology in education: A positive impact² very succinctly outlines the benefits of integrating technology in all its forms into the education system not only for the students but also how it benefits teachers. One of the benefits identified by De la Peña Frade, that I think will be a lightbulb moment for many, was
Digital tools contribute to making the teaching-learning process more motivating and improving the classroom climate.
Brilliant! What more could we ask for happy and engaged children experiencing education in a diverse, inspiring environment conducive to a higher standard of learning. Maybe we can hope for a little less ‘I don’t want to go to school?’ Here are my thoughts on technology and education:
- Parents and educators have the privilege of changing the landscape of technology in education for our children
- Communication is the key to parenting and educating children which makes technology a well aligned communication tool
- Children will always gravitate towards fun and exciting activities so why not lean into their interests to communicate and educate them by making it memorable and enjoyable
- Technology provides teachers with the opportunity to cover a broader cross section of learning styles in children which can only mean equal and fair education for all children
- Amidst the pandemic technology has enabled our children to continue their education (potentially at the risk of parents and teachers’ sanity, lol)
- The new order of education will allow parents to have more active involvement in their education
- Educating children from school age in and with technology has the ability to create generation of digitally aware children skills that will help to keep them safe online
The next decade will be an exciting time for education not only in Australia but throughout the world. Parents may worry about keeping up with our children and the risks involved in more access to technology because that’s our job, but what amazing opportunities it will bring to the generations of children who are growing up in the digital education revolution. I for one will be watching this space with great interest.
- Liat Hughes Joshi (2022) Changing the way we talk to children about technology
- Natalia De la Peña Frade (2021) New technology in education: A positive impact