Another App has hit the market that is causing concern and issues amongst communities, YikYak.
As yet, YikYak is not in the mainstream for students in Australia and New Zealand but certainly could be on the way.
As always the app itself isn’t inherently concerning however the purpose and functionality make it an app of choice for those wishing to do the wrong thing. The app is a communication-posting platform where users can anonymously post questions or conversation starters that, through GPS location targeting, allows only those within approximately 2km to be involved in the conversation.
The owners of the app have acknowledged that it can create issues with young people and are implementing a technical solution to limit access in schools and colleges. As with all apps they are identified by the logo you can see in this post. This is app is the perfect storm for cyberbullying as it uses your location to give you anonymous access to other people using the app in your area. An open dialog with your children is important to help them understand why apps like this are dangerous and should be avoided.yik